Interactive Coast Path Map

Use our interactive map to plan your route today



Want to print using Microsoft Edge browser?  Choose “Microsoft Print to PDF” to convert your map to a pdf and then print it off.

Drawing a straight line

  • Click at your start point, move the mouse along and click again at your end point. You can continue to add additional points with extra clicks
  • Once you're finished, double click to complete the drawing

Drawing a curved line

  • Click and hold, while moving the mouse to draw a curved line
  • Double click to complete the drawing


Wales Coast Path

Temporary Path Diversions

Microsoft Edge browser issue

In Microsoft Edge browser, when you print the plotted line, it will appear as a white bold line instead of a green one. To get a printout with a green line, you need to choose the option "Microsoft Print to PDF" to convert the map into a pdf document first. You can then print the pdf document as normal with a green line.

Other browsers like Internet Explorer and Chrome are not affected, you simply press “Print” to get a green line on your printed map.

Use the map to help plan your visit

You can choose a start and finish point to see the distance between these two points, see any temporary path diversions and share your journey on social media.   There are help icons to the left of the map to help you make the most of the map.

Our map uses Ordnance Survey (OS) data.  Any recent changes to the Wales Coast Path route will not be reflected on the paper and digital OS base maps because of the delay in updating them - please follow the purple line which is the Wales Coast Path route.

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